The train went _________ the tunnel.
A. from B. under C. through D. to
A. from B. under C. through D. to
a) eradicate corruption (b) eradicate corrupt practices (c) hold accountable all those persons accused of corruption and corrupt practices (d) …
A. Unlucky B. Lucky C. Hard worker D. None of thes
A. Hope B. Fear C. Expect D. No Appropriate Option
A. For B. Against C. At D. On
A. Tower B. Herd C. Flock D. None of these
A. Swamps B. Hinterland C. Isthmuses D. None of these
A. Foundling B. Siblings C. Urchin D. Orphan
A. Acquiescent B. Ubiquitous C. Omnipresent D. Omniscient
A. Flaw B. Erratum C. Elixir D. Pangaea