Q: 1) year is to month as week is to …..?
A) Hour B) day C) fortnight D) minute
Q: 2) blindness is to eye as deafness is to …..?
A) ear B) brain C) head D) nose
Q: 3) food is to eat as water is to …..?
A) dirt B) drink C) wash D) fire
Q: 4) carpenter is to wood as tailor is to …..?
A) machine B) ship C) cloth D) shop
Q: 5) limb is to body as branch is to …..?
A) building B) grass C) garden D) tree
Q: 6) milk is to white as sky is to …..?
A) red B) blue C) green D) black
Q: 7) boot is to foot as glove is to …..?
A) wool B) cloth C) cotton D) hand
Q: 8) teacher is to students as doctor is to …..?
A) medicine B) drugs C) patients D) hospital
Q: 9) rich is to poor as health is to …..?
A) weight B) height C) sick D) stout
Q: 10) health is to sickness as happiness is to …..?
A) sweetness B) sadness C) well-being D) cheerfulness
Q: 11) drama is related to director as magazine is to …..?
A) publisher B) printer C) reader D) editor
Q: 12) argument is to debate as fight is to …..?
A) friendship B) contest C) controversy D) quarrel
Q: 13) poor is to rich as pauper is to …..?
A) soldier B) brave C)wealth D) multi-millionaire
Q: 14) mule is to pack as ox is to …..?
A) hoof B) yoke C) horn D) neck
Q: 15) statue is to shape as song is to …..?
A) tune B) beauty C) melody D) words
Q: 16) general is to soldier as admiral is to …..?
A) sailor B) master C) captain D) player
Q: 17) n is to p as s is to …..?
A) u B) v C) t D) r
Q: 18) hot is to steam as cold is to …..?
A) water B) ice C) weather D) ice cream
Q:19) What will come next in the following series?
3, 6, 12, 24 …………………?
(A) 44
(B) 46
(C) 48
(D) 50
Q:20) What will come next in the following series?
2313, 2420, 2434, 2462, …………….?
(A) 2416
(B) 2518
(C) 2615
Q:21) What will come next in the following series?
62, 31, 34, 17, 20, ……….?
(A) 7
(B) 8
(C) 9
(D) 10
Q:22) What will come next in the following series?
18, 13, 9, 6, 4, ……………..
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
Q:23) What will come next in the following series?
14, 30, 62, ……………..?
(A) 132
(B) 124
(C) 126
(D) 98
Q:24) SINGLE is to DOUBLE as ONE is to ………..?
(A) Zero
(B) Twice
(C) Ten
(D) Two
Q:25) Sailor is to Air Force as Airmen is to ………..?
(A) Army
(B) Cobbler
(C ) F.C
(D) Navy
Q:26) Muree is too Cold as Jacka abad is to ………………….?
(A ) Ice
(B ) Snow
(C ) Hot
(D ) Stream
Q :27) If Creep Is to CUP as Green is to ………………?
(A) Jung
(B) Grass
(C) Gape
(D) Gun
Q:28) Hear is to Ear as CLOSE is to ……….?
(A) End
(B) Lose
(C) Begin
(D) Open
Q:29) Complete the following series…………...?
(A) L
(B) K
(C) I
(D) M
Q:30) Complete the following series……………?
Q:31) If BOX is to 3 then BOXER is to __?
(A) 5
(B) 6
(C ) 7
(D) 8
Q:32) If STEP is coded as 3165 then PETS is coded as ……………?
(A) 5613
(B) 3165
(C) 1635
Q:33) March is to 31/3 then JUNE is to …………..?
(A) 30/4
(B) 30/5
(C) 30/6
(D) 30/7
Q:34) Which one is different from the rest?
(A) Karachi
(B) Kabal
(C) Dhaka
(D) Delhi
Q:35) Which one is different from the rest?
(A) February
(B) December
(C) Monday
(D) June
Q :36) What letter comes Alphabetically in the word FLUCTUATION?
(A) N
(B) F
(C) U
(D) I
Q:37) Which will come next in the following series?
1, 30, 2, 31, 3, ?
(A) 32
(B) 34
(C) 33
(D) 35
Q:38) Which will come next in the following series?
5, B, 10, D, 15,
(A) F
(B) H
(C) 20
(D) 25
Q:39) Which will come next in the following series?
63 3 44 0 91?
(A) 8
(B) 9
(C) 4
(D) 5
Q:40) Which will come next in the following series?
42 8 23 6 54?
(A) 16
(B) 18
(C) 20
(D) 22
Q:41) December is to October as June is to ……………………..?
(A) May
(B) April
(C) October
(D) August
Q:42) Hot is to Burn then Cold is to?
(A) Stream
(B) Oven
(C) Ice
(D) Freeze
Q:43) Bird is to Cage as Prisoner is to ……………..?
(A) Lock
(B) Pigeon
(C) Cell
(D) Room
Q:44) Cat is to Kitten as Dog is to ………………………..?
(A) Cub
(B) Dogi
(C) Ducking
(D) Puppy
Q:45) Fish is to Swimming as Snack is to ……………….?
(A) Crawling
(B) Moving
(C) Juping
(D) Dancing
Q:46) Heavy is to Light as Rough is to ……………………….?
(A) Soft
(B) Wood
(C) Coarse
(D) Smooth
Q:47) Mountain is too High as Train is to ………………….?
(A) Speed
(B) Length
(C) Small
(D) Tall
Q:48) Hunger is to Food as Disease is to ………………..?
(A) Medicine
(B) Weakness
(C) Sickness
(D) Water
Q:49) Reptile is to Snack?
(A) Women is to Girl
(B) Man is to Woman
(C) Son is to Daughter
(D) Woman is to Father
Q:50) Mad is to Insane?
(A) Brave, Timid
(B) Healthy, Fat
(C) Red, Green
(D) Slim, Thin
Q:51) Doctor: Nurse:: Follower: ………?
(A) Employer
(B) Worker
(C) Leader
(D) Manager