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What is paper scheme?
Paper scheme is important at the end of the year when all students have worked hard throughout the year and now they need to work smartly. Paper scheme defines which chapters are important for short questions, long questions or MCQs. Pairing scheme is important to view because it makes our minds to get ready for exams.
Here is the paper scheme of computer science for 2nd year for the session 2021. This paper scheme is valid for Punjab Boards i.e RWP Board, Sargodha Board, Lahore Board, Fsd Board etc.
Question No. 1 MCQs = 15 1 MCQ from chapter 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14 each and 2 MCQs from chapter 2, 5, 11, 12 each
Short questions
Question No. 2 (6/9)
Chap 1 = 2
Chap 2 = 1
Chap 3 = 1
Chap 4 = 2
Chap 5 = 1
Chap 6 = 1
Chap 7 = 1
Question No. 3 (6/9)
Chap 8 = 2
Chap 9 = 4
Chap 10 = 3
Question No. 4 (6/9)
Chap 11 = 3 (Find error/output of code)
Chap 12 = 3 ( 1 output, 1 conversion)
Chap 13 = 2 Chap 14 = 1
Long questions (Attempt ANY THREE From following)
Questions No. 5
Chap 1 OR 3
Questions No. 6
Chap 6 OR 7
Questions No. 7
Chap 8
Questions No. 8
Chap 11
Questions No. 9
Chap 12