“A college education should equip one to entertain three things: a friend, an idea and oneself”
Dreams are always beautiful and attractive. I enjoyed my school life and I wish never to forget those days. But life never stops. After school I had been dreaming of free and charming life of college.
“Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die,
Life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly”
After getting good grades in matric result I got admission in Govt. College to continue my studies. A student cannot forget the sweet memories of first day at college. I already knew that seniors play raging with the new comers. I was really afraid of that but also mentally prepared for it.
“Life is the name of movement””
On the first day I entered the main gate of my college. That was a pleasant day with sunshine and fragrance of flowers in atmosphere. A big building was ahead. I did nothing but stood alone near the flower buds. Since I was looking at the beautiful flowers I felt someone shook my shoulder. I was surprised to see my schools friends standing beside me. They welcomed me and went away.
“The most important day of the person’s education is the first day of school, not the graduation day”
After a while the bell rang and all the students went to the assembly hall. After recitation the principal gave a lecture to work hard. The principal was a cool gentleman. I really felt good listening to him.
“Teachers open the doors, but you must enter by yourself”
After that all the students moved to their classes. But I did not know about the location of my class room. I asked my seniors to tell me about the class room but they misguided me. I went to the peon who was a well-dressed and polite person. He guided me about my class room.
I went to 2nd floor and entered my room. That was a big airy room with four windows and two doors. I entered the room. There was a great noise that suddenly diminished. And a handsome gentleman entered the room. That was my class teacher. He welcomed the students and called our rolls. Then he introduced himself to us. He was English teacher a very intelligent and great personality. On first day he just introduced us to some lessons and syllabus of our book. Then the lecture ended and he left the class saying Good bye.
That was the only lecture I had to attend that day. I left the room and went to library. A house of good books was present there. I read one of Iqbal’s writings. I really enjoyed that time in the library. There was pin drop silence in the library. In the refreshment time I bought some Crispy chips and enjoyed them while watching the football match of our seniors in the playground. After a while bell rang and I left the building and moved toward my home.
I will never forget that pleasant day with a little horror.