Gender (Men/Women/Trans-gender) Equality a Popular Slogan Essay(CSS/BA/B.ed)

Gender equality is not only a vital right of human, but also a compulsory foundation for a peaceful and prosperous world. Before discussing the issue of gender inequality in detail, it’s important to know as to what gender equality actually is

Gender equality is also known as sexual equality.  It is the state of equal facilities of approach to resources and opportunities regardless of men and women distinction.  It also includes the rights of economic participation and making decision. It is the state of appreciating different aspirations and requirements equally, regardless of gender.

Gender equality is attained when women, men, girls and boys have equal rights to achieve opportunities, and the right to live their own lives and contribute to the progress of society. It can be done by equitable distribution of power, rights and opportunities in communities.

Gender freedom is eroding our public and degrading all of us. It is not just a human power matter it is an enormous waste of the human’s potential to develop world.  If we deny women equal rights then we deny half the world’s population a possibility to spend life at its fullest. Women’s equality in political, economic and social will benefit all the masses of the world.  We can diminish impairment and can work together for equality of human rights regardless of men and women concept.

More than 50 percent population of Pakistan consists of women.  If they are not provided with opportunities and facilities like men then we must be ready for a big loss in economic development and other areas of progress.

It’s important to notice that the problem of gender inequality has not plagued only in Pakistan but almost every area of the world.  Males, females and trans-genders: all are facing this issue.  This burning issue must be solved as early as possible in the light of UNDHR.  In article 2 of UNDHR it has been asserted that

“Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.”

It is common that gender equality is considered as the provision of rights to females only.  It is totally misconception.  Actually Gender equality is achieved only when men, women and trans-genders enjoy same facilities and opportunities across all the sectors of society including economic decisions and legislative sectors.

Our society can be considered as patriarchal society and men are dominant here in all fields of life.  But there rights have been violated also and they face distinctions indeed.  For instance it has been observed when many men are queued up for getting something like a ticket, females are preferred first no matter they come last or before.  Although it is considered as an act of virtue in our society but it is totally violation of men rights.

In addition to this violation of men’s rights in public as well as private sectors some specific positions and seats are always announced for women like PA, receptionist etc. which is totally wrong.  It has been observed that man share the most part of burden.


To understand the other side of story it is important to know that most of the females have been the victims of violation of their rights too.

There is an ugly tradition in most areas of Pakistan know as vani in which young women are traded in families for resolving disputes.  Swara, is also an practice in which small girls are married to enemy’s family as a symbol of peace between two disputing parties.  It shows that women have been treated like a commodity.  In most of our areas boys are always preferred over girls in terms of basic facilities of life.  This inequality of gender can be seen in almost all areas of life.  It is most common in terms of provision of food and education.

The critically rejected class of gender is trans-genders or eunuchs.  This is the most vulnerable thing in our society.  The birth of eunuchs is considered as torment and parents abandon them and leave this type of child on the mercy of fate.  Most of them prefer being a beggar or dancer.  They are even denied their right of inheritance as they are not given their property share.  They are not provided with the facilities of education.  If somehow they get education they are not provided with jobs effectively and efficiently.

However, it is right to say that “gender equality is a myth”.  If above discussed issue are solved then this myth can be broken.

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