My Favorite Book Essay|Holy Quran
My Favorite Book

Reading books is the biggest source of inculcating knowledge and information. Books are the best friends of human being. They enhance our information with excellent knowledge and enlighten our vision and thoughts. In this regard books can be referred as food to human thoughts as they guide us to lead a successful life. They solace us in our worries and make us to forget negativities of life. Books are the best source of guidance in ups and downs of life. They expose various hidden truths of nature and persuade us to live a fantastic life.
Some people read books in idleness just for time pass while others read books to enhance their information and widen their knowledge. Also, there are people who read books to enjoy the content of books. I read books to enlighten my vision and to enjoy the content as well. I enjoy reading content of books particularly noble books. I own a library at my home which contains almost 500 books in it. Before preferring a book we should always keep in mind that some books can intoxicate our thoughts and can make us guilty in our society. Books directly affect our thoughts so, we should be very careful in selection of books.
I have read a lot of books but Holy Quran is my all times favorite book. It is the last book of Allah Almighty revealed on His last prophet Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ. Holy Quran is the sacred book for those who want to seek guidance in any aspect of life. The connotation of word ‘Quran’ is ‘reading’. This sacred message of Allah Almighty is divided in 30 ‘Paras’ and 114 ‘Surahs’. Each surah possesses a vital importance and is further divided in to verses. Out of these 114 surahs 86 were revealed in Makkah and 28 surahs were revealed at Madinah. There are total 6,616 verses in the Holy Quran. This Holy book of Allah begins with ‘Surah Fateha’. This surah is revised in every ‘raka’ of prayer.
Main concern of Holy Quran:
The main concern and subject of Holy Quran is human being. Human beings are preferred over all the creatures of the universe just because of their ability to differ between good and bad. Holy Quran is the only book which covers all the codes of life and guides us to the way of salvation. Every corner and aspect of our lives is discussed in this book. Holy Quran teaches us to make peace with family and friends. It teaches us love, respect, meditation and self-sacrifice for others.
I find solution to all my problems with the help of Holy Quran. Allah made this book understandable for his friends who get knowledge from this Holy book. Holy Quran is a complete code of life. If you ever stuck in making decision of your life you should take information from this sacred book written by sacred Divine.
History of Holy Quran:
Allah wrote this Holy book in Arabic which is so easy language to understand for those who want to make it source of salvation. At the age of forty, when Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ was in his spiritual journey of finding existence of true Divine, he used to stay in small cave of ‘Hira’. Cave of ‘Hira’ is situated on the top of ‘Jabl al Noor’. One day when Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ was in meditation he received the first revelation of Allah Almighty sent through His angel Hazrat Jibrail. This was 27th of Ramadan. In this regard, ‘Laila tul Qadar’ is associated with the revelation of noble book. The prophet Muhammad was in the state of great surprise at the arrival of Hazrat Jibrail. Jibrail repeatedly asked him to read ‘In the name of Lord’. In this context Allah Almighty blessed his creatures and universe by educating Muhammad ﷺ. So, Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ became the source of ultimate guidance to his followers. First revelation is:
“Read in the name of thy Lord who created; [He] created the human being from blood clot. Read in the name of thy Lord who taught by the pen: [He] taught the human being which he knew not.”
Holy Quran was revealed almost in a period of 23 years.